TP-TEST is supplied as standard do DEMU-51 System and is designed to test In Circuit Emulator DEMU-51

Technical Data:

Supply voltage:                                  5V

Crystal Oscilator frequency:              24 MHz

Operating Temperature Range:         0°C ÷ 65°C

Dimensions:                      58mm x 46mm x 25mm



TP-Test is designed to test DEMU-51 and could not be used to emulate any microcontroller

TP-Test is supplied as standard to DEMU-51 System

Data Sheet


How to Test DEMU-51

Procedure of testing DEM-51:

Targe Probe TP-Test is easy to use. It is design to taste In Circuit Emulator DEMU-51. Following steps should be done to do test:


  1. The Target Probe TP-Test should be conected to DEMU-51 using the 40 wires flat cable,
  2. The option Emulator Test DEMU-51 has to be chosen in DEMU-51 Software (menu Tools -> Emulator Test DEMU-51) to start test.


There are available two kinds of test:

  1. The Short Test - testing basic functions of DEMU-51.
  2. The Full Test - testing all functions of DEMU-51.


The test should be done succesfully to know that DEMU-51 is working properly.

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